Monday, November 29, 2010

The busiest time of year

As I've mentioned before, November is crazy for us.  Mike spends A LOT of time hunting, and then, the holiday season begins. 
We celebrated Thanksgiving on Thursday at my mom's house with her family.  There were far less people this year than there usually is, but still, they managed to be just as loud as normal ;)
Thursday was also the day that Mike finally came home!  The boys were so excited to see him.  Kayden and Tyler were napping when he got there, so I had him go wake Kayden up right away, and they were able to have some time together before we woke Tyler up.  It's nice to have him home again. 
Friday morning, Holli, Tammy, Amy and I headed to St. Cloud.  I picked Amy up at about 4:30, and we were at Shopko by 5:00.  We didn't necessarily find any amazing deals, but we all managed to buy a lot.  I'd call it a successful trip, since I did get quite a bit of my Christmas shopping done. 
Saturday, the kids and I spent the day at home while Mike worked, and then we met Mike and my mom in St. Augusta to cut down our Christmas tree.  We've always had a fake tree, but this year I really wanted a real one.  So, we ventured out and cut one down.  (I'll add pictures later). 
Sunday we had Thanksgiving with both sides of Mike's family. 
Today, I am home with the boys, because our daycare is closed.  This afternoon, I need to take ALL of them to the clinic.  Tyler has his 18 month appointment, Tyson is getting his 2nd flu shot, and Kayden and Tyson are having their ears re-checked.  Should be interesting ;)

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