Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Annual Hunt

Kayden concentrating on his masterpiece

The final product

Frost a little, eat a little...

Tyler's cookie never saw the "finished product" tray

Working hard

This past weekend was opening weekend for deer hunting.  Every year, we spend the weekend at Mike's parents' house.  Before we had kids it was a weekend of girls shopping, laying around, catching up on sleep, playing cards....oh, the memories. 
NOW, it's a weekend of crabby kids, waking up early---too early, time change, eating way to much, cutting up and packaging has become work!  None-the-less, it is bonding time =)  The kids do love to spend the time together, and it's all good and grand until Sunday afternoon.  This is when they are sick of each other.  They're fighting.  They're crying.  They're exhausted.  We've run out of creative ways to entertain them, and we're ready to pass them onto their daddies!!!!!
This year, we did think ahead a little bit.  We brought ingredients and frosting to have the kids make, cut out, and decorate cookies.  This was splendid.  They loved it.  They made a mess.  They took a nap.  Mission accomplished.  
All day on Sunday, Tyler had a fever.  His temp was between 100 and 103 all day.  We gave him lots of Tylenol.  I thought by Sunday night he was better.  More on that in my next post....
P.S.  The actual hunting part was successful.  Mike shot a small 8-pointer and another small buck and 3 does shot.  Isn't that enough you say?  I sure would think so.  BUT, my lovely husband will hunt again this weekend, the following weekend in Wisconsin, and he'll bow-hunt until the end of December.  Oh joy....

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