Sunday, November 13, 2011

O, the things that are to come!!!!

I honestly have no idea where time has gone.  We have been a busy little family.  I don't even know when my last post was, and I am currently far too lazy to go back and look.  
I'm going to try HARD to be better about blogging more regularly.  This is supposed to be a journal for my family, and I've been really slacking.  I have a ton of pictures on my crappy camera waiting to be posted and have clever postings written to go with them.  I'll get there.  
I'm hoping the fact that my new camera is on it's way will help the situation a little.  That's right, I took the plunge and spent more than I ever thought I would and bought myself a new camera.  Let me tell you people, I.  CAN'T.  WAIT.  FOR.  IT.  TO.  GET.  HERE.  
Once I get it, you may see some picture overload, but I am beyond excited.  It should be here this week.  when it gets here, I will put my memory card into it and upload pictures and write those clever posts and update ya'll on where we've been for the past month.  Wait for it people.  It'll be good.