Sunday, September 25, 2011

A rarity

Today was one of the rare Sundays at home for our little family.  EVERY weekend it seems like we have something we have to do, somewhere we have to be, someone we need to see.  We talked yesterday about when we'll finish some of the outdoor projects we have left to do this fall and realized that we have something planned EVERY WEEKEND FROM NOW UNTIL CHRISTMAS!  It's ridiculous how busy our lives are and our kids aren't even in school yet.  I can't even imagine what it's going to be like when they become involved in activities of their own. 
Mike was on call this weekend, so we were kind of stuck at home.  Happily stuck at home.  It's Sunday afternoon, 3:00, and he just went on his first call for the weekend.  He worked a few scheduled hours yesterday, but we filled that time by hanging out with Amazih and going to Target and Sam's Club.  Mike was able to squeeze in a few hours of unsuccessful bow hunting last night while Amazih and the boys and I watched a movie we picked up at a Redbox yesterday(which by the way was FREE, thanks to my cousin Tammy hooking me up with some codes to use). 
We spent the better part of today scratching things off our to-do list.  Our apple trees are extremely bountiful this year, so I whipped up some applesauce and apple crisp to make the house smell good this afternoon.  I had time to put away all of the boys' summer clothes, and clothes that are too small, and refill their closet and drawers with fresh, cold-weather digs. 
We also wasted precious time watching the ridiculous Minnesota Vikings game.  

By the looks of our house, you'd never know we were home all day. It's a mess.  BUT, we got things done.  A little tidying up and we'll be good to go for another busy week ahead.  
I'm off to prepare cheesy potatoes and grill pork chops for supper.  I hope you had a pleasant, lazy or not-so-lazy Sunday.  Enjoy your week. 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Back to School

We have officially had our last, first day of school without any kids in school.  Weird.  Next fall, Kayden will go to Kindergarten.  Things will change.  Life will get busier.  We'll have to think twice before we do things during the week that might last a little later into the evening because it's a "school night".  

Kayden started his last year of preschool last Thursday (I did take a picture, but my camera is crap, so I'll have to add it later).  He is going to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:00 to 2:30.  My wonderful new employer has worked it out so that I can leave work to pick him up at daycare, and take him to school, then return to work.  After school he rides the BUS to Albany, where Grammy or Papa picks him up, and I head to Albany after work to get him. It's not the most convenient situation, but it works.  
He really likes school, but he LOVES the bus!  I was really nervous about him riding the bus because in my head is still so little, but he did great!  I just know this school year will fly by, and before I know it, I'll have a kindergartner.  It's crazy.  I already get sad, just thinking about sending him off on the first day of school. 

I really don't know??!?!?!?

A few people have questioned my lack of blogging lately.  I really don't have an excuse.  I don't know where time went.  We have been super-duper busy lately.  We have spent the past three weekends at "The Pink House", I started a new job, we've gone to a few of Auntie Amazih's volleyball games, Kayden started school, I'm playing volleyball on Monday nights, Mike is playing football on Wednesday nights, I'm working Thursday nights, and before we know it, it's Friday again.  This weekend, Mike is on call, so we will be home.  My to-do list is already really long.  BUT, I've heard the weather is supposed to be wonderful, so we'll also need to squeeze in some time outside since before we know it, it'll be frigid and snowy out there.  
I'm going to try hard to get back on the blogging train.  I do have a few things I want to write about, so we'll see how it goes.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Necessities

Our house is for sale.  It has been for a looooong time.  If When we sell it, we will build a new one.  I've been keeping a list of the things my new house will have that our current house doesn't have:
1.  Master bathroom.  I HATE having just one full bath.  I want a bathroom where I can leave my underwear on the floor if I want to and not have to worry about everyone and their brother who might stop by and might use our bathroom seeing it.  
2.  Dishwasher.  By dishwasher I mean the machine.  In this house, I have been the dishwasher for far too long.  It wasn't so bad when it was just Mike and I, but along with my apparent extreme fertility comes and extreme amount of dishes.  
3.  Walk-in closets.  At least in the master bedroom.  I don't think this needs much explaination.  
4. Enough bedrooms so that my boys can each have their own if they want.  I have a feeling, that by the time we actually move, Kayden and Tyler may choose to continue sharing a room since that's all they've ever done.  
5.  A pantry.  My kitchen is a disorganized mess.  
Is there any part of your home you could not live without, or that you would definitely change if you could? 

Funny Friday (on Wednesday)

Remember how I told you my kids are funny?  Well, they've proven it yet again.  This morning Kayden came rushing into our bedroom as soon as he woke up.  In the most excited tone I have heard from him in a long time, he exclaimed, "Mommy!  I grew A LOT while I was sleeping!  I can keep my head on the pillow and my feet can touch the bottom of my bed!"  I love that he can get so excited over something so silly!
Tonight, I had Tyler and Tyson in the bathtub together.  While I was checking texts on my phone as they played, I heard Tyler whisper to Tyson (as he sipped from a cup of bath water), "Ice-in (this is what he calls him), this is my beer.  Don't tell Mommy!"  Flippin hilarious!