Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Brush Brush Brush!

I realized this morning that I never blogged about Kayden's latest trip to the dentist.  
At his regular check up in July, they found that a "spot" they had been watching on one of his back teeth had turned into a small cavity.  We decided to just fill it before it got any bigger or caused any other problems.  
He did amazing!  They suggested that he go back alone, and if they needed me, they'd come get me.  He headed back without any hesitation, and was back with me within about 20 minutes.  Before he came out, the dentist, Dr. Erin (who I just found out today is Kris Humphries' cousin and gets to go to Kris and Kim's wedding!) came out and said he did awesome!  She said, "if all four year olds did as well as he did, my job would be a piece of cake!".  I was so proud of him!  He was a little annoyed with the fact that his mouth was numb, but otherwise had a great rest of the day!  
Now, to make that his LAST cavity!!!!

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