Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Thank You

Thank you to my friend Gail for letting me use her crib.  We have a crib, but Tyler is still in it, and I'd like to keep him there for a while.  So, we were in need of a second crib for Tyson.  I really didn't want to buy one, so Gail is letting us use hers.  

Thank you to Holli for having four boys, and passing on lots of hand-me-downs to my boys and for letting us use her spare toddler bed. 

Thank you to Tammy for letting me borrow a mattress for the crib that I'm borrowing from Gail =)

Thank you to Target for giving free gift cards when I buy diapers and for providing me with a generic, much more inexpensive formula than I used to use.  

Thank you to Rhonda for picking up two carseats at a garage sale, saving us at least $100.00!

Thank you to our pediatrician, Dr. Peitso, for referring us to ENT so that Tyson could get his tubes before the end of the year. 

Thank you to all of our family members who are always there when we need someone to babysit, pick up at daycare, etc.  
We are lucky people!

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