Tyson woke up at his usual, 1:00ish. I tried to let him cry for a while, but since he wasn't giving up, and I was tired, I went to get him up. ::usually, a 15 minute process at most. change his diaper. feed him. hold him until he's for sure sleeping. put him back in his bed:: Not this time. Soon after I got Tyson out of his bed, I heard Tyler whining in a sad, scratchy voice. I went to tell Mike that if he didn't quit whining in a few minutes, he'd have to go get him up. (We would usually just put him in our bed or rock him, and within minutes he'd be sleeping again.) Next thing I know, I hear Kayden and Tyler's bedroom door creeeeeeeeeak open. This tells me Kayden is now awake too. ::or Tyler activated his go-go gadget arms to open the door from his crib::
So, I head to our bedroom to tell my snoring husband that he needs to get up NOW, because we now have all three boys awake. So, he rolls out of bed. Makes what seems like a 5 minute pit-stop at the bathroom, and finally makes his way into the boys' bedroom. I hear him talking to Kayden, and finally they come out. Kayden heads to his pillow on the living room floor, while Mike rocks Tyler, and I feed Tyson.
15 minutes later, Tyson is sleeping, so I put him in his bed, go back to carry Kayden to his bed, and then I head back to bed myself. Within minutes, Mike and Tyler join me. Tyler lays with us for a few minutes before he is squirming, and whining. "Wah-er". He wants water. So, to the kitchen I go. He has his water. Still awake. So, him and I go to the living room to rock. I attempt to put him in his bed twice, and he wakes up both times. Finally, at 3:02 a.m, he's sleeping and I'm able to put him in his bed. Remember what time I got up with child #1? 1:00ish. It's now 3:00ish. Ugh.
Now, the reason I worry about what might be brewing: We were with Sydney and Karsyn this weekend (Mike's nieces). They both had miserable colds and coughs. Karsyn went to Urgent Care to find out she has an ear infection and the start of pneumonia. It's coming. Tyler sounded terrible when he woke up last night. His throat sounded like it hurt. Bad. He seemed fine this morning, and I texted Sharon at lunch, and she said he seemed fine. I just wonder what's going on, because he NEVER wakes up at night. We'll see.
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