Friday, December 17, 2010


This weekend will be spent cleaning and disinfecting our house to try to get rid of all the yucky germs that have been lurking, causing lots of runny noses, coughs, head-aches, and over all crankiness in our house.  
The cold symptoms started for all three boys on Monday.  Tyler definitely had it the worst to start out with (I think for him, it was a combination of the cold, and new teeth coming in).  I took Tyson to the clinic yesterday because his breathing sounded horrible, and even our daycare provider (who doesn't worry often) said that it worried her a little, and she'd have it checked out.  Turns out he has an ear infection (yes, even though he had tubes put in just one week ago) and croup.  So, he's back on ear drops, and a steroid for his croup. 
As of last night, Kayden is really starting to feel the symptoms too.  He was home with Rhonda while we went to my sister's basketball game, and she texted me to see what she could give him for his cold/cough/aches. 
I, also started to feel some of the cold-ish stuff coming on last night, but I am the least of my worries:)
So, we'll spend our weekend relaxing at home (with the exception of my dad's family's Christmas celebration tomorrow) and try to get everyone healthy before the highly anticipated Christmas time finally arrives next week! 

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