"Moooooommmmmmyyyyy! I'm just whining because I'm so tired!". This is the cry of my exhausted almost-four-year old on a Thursday afternoon on the way home from daycare. We had a long week.
Thursday night was our first evening at home all week.
It's times like this, that I realize how important routine is in kids' lives.
It's a busy time of year for us. November is full of deer hunting and all that goes with it, and Thanksgiving, and then we're pushed right into December:
Christmas is approaching.
It's basketball season.
Tyson has surgery.
I have my school Christmas program.
We need to process all the venison from deer hunting.
I need to shop, wrap presents, bake, and shop some more.
Life is nuts. I struggle, because there's so much I want to do, but with 3 kids under 4, it's not always that easy.
My sister plays basketball. We took all three boys to her first game this year. Mistake. The games don't start until 7:00 or later, so by half-time, we've lost Tyler. He's ready for bed. He's crabby. He doesn't want to sit still (well, he doesn't EVER want to sit still). So, I decided that whenever possible, I will get a sitter during basketball games for one, two , or even all three boys. So, there will be games I miss. There will be games where, we'll try to take all three boys again. We'll see.
I'm looking at my planner for next week. There are basketball games on Tuesday and Thursday night. I asked Amazih which I should go to, if I can only go to one. She says Thursday. Rhonda is available to babysit during either one, but, I don't want to over-use her either. Monday night is pre-school/volleyball night, so Mike will have Tyler and Tyson......and the cycle continues.
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