I had trouble deciding whether or not I should include a "Christmas Letter" with our Christmas card this year. In the end, I decided to skip the letter for this year. Mostly because it is December 14th, and I don't even have my cards addressed yet, and because it took me about 100 attempts at getting a picture of my boys and I was still unsuccessful, so I ended up using their JCPenney picture (if I end up in the slammer for this, please say that you'll come visit me). Anywho--we're sending just the photo card, no letter. BUT----
If I would have written a Christmas letter, this is what it might have said:
If I would have written a Christmas letter, this is what it might have said:
The past year has been an interesting one in the Frericks household. Life has been VERY busy. We put our house up for sale last December. We bought land from my parents and will eventually build a new house there. We aren't in any real hurry to move, we just want to be moved in time for Kayden to go to Kindergarten in the Albany district.
Mike is still working at St. Cloud Refrigeration, where he's been since college. They keep him busy, and they treat him well.
I am in my 3rd, and probably final year teaching 4th grade at St. Mary's School in Melrose. I spent my summer months working part-time at Kids Company, and more recently went back to working every-other Thursday night at the Albany Bowling Center. With our busy work schedules, we thank God for our wonderful daycare and very helpful parents and siblings.
Our boys keep us busy every day.
Kayden turned three in February. He is an excellent big brother and usually, a HUGE help to me! He spends his days playing dinosaurs, building, climbing, throwing, running, riding, shooting, chasing....you know--boy stuff.
He goes to pre-school on Monday evenings and loves it. He loves to tell people that he goes to school.
Tyler is our BUSY toddler. He has really changed over the past year. He went from being our baby, to a walking, talking, running, throwing, wrestling, cuddly, tornado of a toddler who really needs his first haircut. He is a completely different kid than Kayden, but he is SO fun! He really keeps us on our toes.
Our littlest present from God joined our family in April. 7 pound, 9 ounce baby Tyson John was born on April 20th. Yes, that makes him and Tyler just 11 months apart (insert your comment here--we've heard it all) ::okay, maybe I wouldn't include that last, kinda snotty part in my Christmas letter if I were sending a real one:: He is a healthy, happy baby, and fits perfectly in our little family. He just recently had tubes put in his ears because of recurrent ear infections. Now, if we could just get him to sleep at night....
As you would assume, our lives are busy. We are extremely blessed to have our very helpful families so close to us, and for them to always be willing to help us out when we need it.
We look forward to 2011 and the many things that will surely come with it. Challenges, life changes(this does not include babies), milestones, family time--the list goes on.
Wishing you all a blessed holiday season,
The Frericks Family: Mike, Sarah, Kayden, Tyler, Tyson and Maya (the dog).
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