Monday, February 7, 2011


We currently have two kids in diapers. Anyone who is a parent these days, knows how expensive diapers are.  Plus, my boys apparently pee A LOT because we aren't able to use those generic brand diapers.  Major leakage.  So, we spend, I would say, at least $60 a month on diapers.  This drives Mike nuts.  He has been randomly putting Tyler on the potty, and yesterday, he finally went.  Maybe I'm weird, but I am not nearly as excited about this as I should be.  I hate potty training.  It's such a process, and a pain.  It's so much easier to just put a diaper on a child, rather than worry about making sure they go potty every 10 minutes, cleaning up the mess when they forget or choose not to use the potty, cleaning up the floor after they use their new-found toy to spray urine all over my bathroom, find a potty in a store within 5 seconds, before we have a mess, driving frantically down the freeway when a little voice from the back yells, "I gotta go potty!!!".  
I'm exhausted just thinking about it.
But, hey, he did it.  
I think. 

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