Monday, July 25, 2011


Well, my baby finally figured out this walking stuff.  I was starting to worry a little.  He has been walking along furniture and climbing EVERYTHING for a while now, but finally, over the weekend, he just took off.  He's walking all over the place.  I love to watch him wobble around, arms in the air, walking with "high knees", it's all so stinkin cute!  I wish these precious stages would last longer. 
I had him at the clinic last Friday for his 15 month check up.  All was well and it was one of the fastest well-child checks I've ever been to(I guess things in the clinic move more smoothly in the morning than at 4:30, which is the time I usually took the boys in during the school year). I don't remember his exact stats, but I do know that he was in the 90th percentile for weight, 80 something for his head circumference, and his height, well, he is in the 17th percentile.  Every time I think about this, it makes me giggle a little.  Just short and chubby---I love it!
Oh yes, he has also been adding LOTS of words to his vocabulary!  Lately I've heard him say, puppy, mommy, ball, stuck, up, NO, out, go, Maya, down, nigh-night, bye bye, hi.....the list goes on, and new words are added daily.  It's amazing!

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