Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

We had one of our usual, crazy-busy holidays.  We had two Easter celebrations Saturday.  We headed to Farming to celebrate with Mike's mom's family for lunch.  Had an egg hunt there, then headed to Albany to celebrate with Mike's dad's family, which included another egg hunt.  
We decided to be REALLY brave and take all three boys to Easter Vigil Mass at 8:00 Saturday NIGHT.  Mind you, they had NO NAP.   I figured they would all sleep, and I was ALMOST right.  Tyler fell alseep on Mike after about half an hour.  It didn't take long and Kayden was laying on the pew snoozing too.  We had Tyson sit with my parents to separate the boys and hopefully make things a little easier on everybody.  I think this was the first time in his almost two years of life that Tyson didn't take a nap.  This will also be the last time he goes without a nap for a  LONG TIME.  He did ok for the first half hour or so.  Was a little chatty while he read his books, but eventually got loud and wiggly, and was not staying in the pew.  So, my dad took him out into the "gathering area".  He was out there with him for about another half hour before I decided to go relieve him.  I stayed out there for a little while and my mom came to relieve me.  Just before communion, my mom brought him back in.  I busted out a few of the snacks that I had left to get us through the little bit of Mass that was left and we all survived.  We woke the two big boys up and put their coats on and we were on the road, headed home by 10:10.  Tyson was asleep in the car by 10:12.  He was TIRED.   
This morning, Tyson woke up early.  I got him his "rink"(water), put him in our bed and he went back to sleep.  At about 8:00, Kayden was yelling for me, so I got him out of bed and took him to our bed.  At about 8:15 he remembered that the Easter bunny was supposed to come while he was sleeping.  He lasted until about 8:30, when I told him he could go downstairs and get Tyler up.  I'm pretty sure 8:30 is the latest Tyler has EVER slept.  Boy was tired!  So, now, everybody was up, and we were headed out to find those baskets.  Tyson and Tyler found theirs right away, but Kayden had to really search before he found his in the bathtub :)  
After everybody was dressed, had a few minutes to play with their new stuff, and had some cereal, we headed to my aunt and uncle's for brunch and another egg hunt.  Shortly after, we headed to Mike's parents to hang out for a while, and--yep--another egg hunt.  This evening we had supper at my parents' house and then finally headed home.  I'm guessing we're going to have a week with some VERY tired kids!  Well worth it though, to be able to spend time with family on a special holiday. 

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