Tyson has never been a sleeper. I think I've written about 532 posts about it. Then, in January, I finally took a couple nights to let him "cry it out", and it worked. He was sleeping better. Then, he got sick, and got teeth. He's been sick in some form for a while now. When he was sick or teething, and he'd wake up at night I would get up with him, because let's face it: when you're not feeling good, you just want your mommy. So I'd get up with him, feed him, snuggle him, even sometimes ::gasp:: bring him in our bed.
Now, he's on the mend. Not really sick. BUT, he's not sleeping. He's back in the habit of waking up at least once every night. So, soon, very soon, I will be doing it again. I will have to take a couple nights, send my husband and my bigger kids somewhere else, and I'll have to let him cry. It's painful at the time, but soooooooooooooooo worth it in the end. Maybe I'll let Mike do it this time????
Thats a great idea! Let Mike do it this time. You know for sure Mike won't hear Tyson as soon as you do so he will probably fall back asleep before Mike gets to him! =) Good Luck!