I'm pretty sure the Target pharmacists and I are officially on a first-name basis. It seems like I am there at least once a week for prescriptions for someone in my family.
Yesterday I was at the clinic. Kayden had his 4-year well-child check, and Tyson was there to have his ears and lungs re-checked.
Let's start with Tyson. Dr. Peitso listened to his lungs, and decided that we should keep him on his nebulizer "until the lilacs bloom". That's like, May. Ugh.
Then, she looked in his ears. Left ear, perfect. Wahoo! Right ear, waxy. She cleaned it out. Behind all that wax? Wait for it:::::: ear infection! WTF??? Seriously! So, she is treating him with drops and an anti-biotic, and referred us back to his doctor at the ENT. It's getting a bit ridiculous. I can't wait to see his doctor at the ENT, and see what he has to say.
Then, there was Kayden. When he went in for his 3-year appointment, he didn't cooperate for his hearing or vision check, and didn't even let them weigh him or measure his height. So, I had been preparing him for this appointment for the past week or so. We talked about the doctor checking how big he is, testing his hearing and vision, and maybe shots. I was pretty sure she had told me last year that he wouldn't need shots at his four year appointment, but I wasn't making any promises because I know how things can change.
So, first stop was the little room for his hearing and vision check. He had done both of these at his pre-school screening, and had cooperated, so I was hoping he'd do ok.
**side note: at his preschool screening, they had suggested I have his vision re-checked, so I was curious what they were going to come up with at this appointment**
After some brief instruction, he did great on his hearing test. Then, the woman explained the vision test to him and got him started. He held the little pirate-patch-looking thing over his left eye, and recognized all of the shapes. Then he moved it to his right eye. He did fine on the bigger shapes, but once she got a little further into the test, we noticed him peeking out from behind the little eye cover. The woman reminded him to keep his eye covered, and he said, "But mommy, I can't see if I do that"::Uh oh::
So, we had him cover his eye and do his best. Once he kept his eye covered, he had trouble recognizing the shapes. She said she'd let the doctor know, and then we'd decide if he should be seen by an eye doctor.
Next, we met with his regular doctor. They had him put on a little hospital gown(way cute, but apparently not very cool, because he immediately wanted his blanket to cover up his exposed legs--whatev). She checked his ears, eyes, tummy, breathing, etc. Everything looked fine. The only "concern" was that based on his weight and height measurements (39 pounds and 39 inches) he is "almost in the zone of overweight". WTF?????? Are you serious? So, quick lecture on giving him skim milk and healthy snacks. I listened, but pretty much let that go in one ear and out the other. He is by no means overweight! I am still in shock over it, but whatev(again). I could go on for days about this, but I'm not going to let it bother me,and I'm just going to forget she ever said it.
The doctor mentioned that he could get all of his kindergarten shots today. I think the total would have been like five or six shots. I told her that I hadn't really prepared him for shots, so I thought doing all of them might be a bit much. We decided to do two shots and wait until his 5 year appointment for the rest. So, out goes doctor, in comes 2 nurses for shots. This is where I got a little nervous. I wasn't real sure how he was going to take this. But, I laid him up on the exam table, talked to him and held his arms while he got one shot in each thigh, and believe it or not::::NO TEARS! I couldn't believe it! He did awesome!
Once the shots were done, we packed up and headed out the door, since I had to get Tyson home and get Kayden to school. So, since we were REALLY short on time I took my apparently overweight kid through the McDonald's drive through, and we were on our way. What? I got him apples instead of fries. Geez.
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