Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"Me do!"

My little Tyler is funny.  We often will say things like, "Who wants to take a bath??", and he'll raise  his little hand, and yell, "Me do!!!".  Hil. ar. i. ous.  
So, last weekend, my dad and my brother were having a conversation about cars, when my brother said, in response to a question, "Yeah, but who wants a Hyundai?", and, right on cue, in the middle of playing with his legos, Tyler responded with a quick raise of his hand, "I do!". 
Oh man, I love that little guy. 


  1. Is he sitting in a pool blow-up toy? That's awesome.

  2. Yes, he knew what it was for, he just didn't quite understand how it was supposed to work!
