On Wednesday, I took Tyler to get his first haircut. His hair had gotten ridiculously long, but on a good day, was absolutely adorable. Curly, blonde, whispy, it was baby hair.
Then there were the not-so-good days. Days when he took long naps, or when he spent a lot of time with his winter hat on, or days when he smeared his breakfast/lunch/snack/snot in it. It got bad.
If it were up to Mike, he would have gotten his hair cut months ago, and we wouldn't have spent $10.00 to cut it, he would have had me cut it at home, like I do his and Kayden's. So, I made the appointment, and when I got there, I told Christina to just cut it with a scissors, not too short. So, there he sat, on the special little boy seat on the big haircutting chair, with his little green smock with racecars on it. He sat unbelievably still. She cut away. With every snip, he looked older and older. By the time she was done, I had another (slightly shorter) Kayden. I swear to you. They could be twins. He looks so different, but so handsome.
He definitely deserved the orange Tootsie-pop he got when he was all done.
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