Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Kayden/Mommy day!

After  our Friday night basketball adventure, we headed home, and put the kids to bed.  Saturday morning, we got up and got ready, then headed to Brainerd for Sydney's birthday party.  We spent the entire day there, and headed for home at bed time.  All three boys fell asleep on the way home, and we were able to put them all right in their beds. Heavenly I tell you.  
Sunday we spent the day at home watching the snow fall.  It was one of those days with no real plans so I had lots of things I wanted to cross off my "to do" list.  I did get a lot done, but the house was still by no means in order.  

Monday was President's Day, which meant no school for me!  So, I took Tyler and Tyson to daycare, and then Kayden and I headed into St. Cloud for a Kayden/Mommy day.  We had a bunch of errands to run, starting with his 4 year pictures.  After some prodding and bribing, he did quite well.  After pictures we headed to Target for necessities, and toy browsing, then to Space Aliens for lunch.  He absolutely loved it!  It was so nice to have that time with just him and I.  We ordered lunch, played a few games, earned tickets to get chincey crap to take home with us, took two potty breaks, pointed out every alien picture in the building, it was awesome!  
By the time we were done with lunch, he was getting tired, but we still had a few stops to make.  We headed to Old Navy, where I scored some deals on a few shirts for (believe it or not) myself!  Then we headed to Sam's Club.  He fell asleep on the way, but (very unlike him) woke up when I got him out and didn't even whine or complain!  After Sam's we still needed to hit up the grocery store.  By the time we were done, we were both exhausted!  We headed home, dropped off our bags, put away groceries, then headed to daycare to pick up the little boys. 

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