I can't take it anymore. I have this handsome little boy. Almost 2 years old. He's adorable. He's hilarious. He's busy. He's lovable. HE WHINES. A LOT.
It's partially mostly my own fault. You see, he has this loud, obnoxious whine he uses to get what he wants. I can not stand the sound of it, so I find myself (more often than not) giving him what he wants so that he'll shut the h-e-double hockey sticks up! I know, that sounds mean, and very un-motherly. But, I challenge you to spend a day with the boy. See how you feel by the end of the day.
He asks for fruit snacks and juice constantly. If you don't get it for him, he repeats his whiny request 5 bajillion times, until you give in.
If I'm trying to make supper, or wash dishes, he will put his body between me and the counter and push on my legs or pull on my pants.
He wakes up in the morning YELLING. He might call for me quietly once, maybe twice, but then it's a full-on yell.
It's bad enough that other parents notice when Tyler is missing from daycare, because it's so much quieter.
Poor Kayden can't get a word in sometimes, because Tyler thinks that sitting in the backseat of my car and talking to me is some sort of competition. Whenever Kayden is trying to tell me something or ask a question, Tyler feels the need to repeat, "Mommy!" 4,298 times. It's ridiculous.
Now, it sounds like I'm complaining, but I'm not. Really. I'm not. It's more of a plea for help.
So, I called my sister in law this morning. She's been to a class on Love and Logic Parenting. I asked what I should do, and she gave me some ideas, and I've come up with a plan.
In my head, I see it working perfectly:
When the whining or yelling begins, I am going to give a short phrase like, "Yelling hurts my ears", or "Uh oh, no whining please". Then, I'm going to put him in his crib, and tell him he can come out when he's ready to stop. When he quits yelling/crying/whining, I will go get him, and give him a hug, and we'll move on with our day. Hopefully this works. We'll see. I'll keep you posted.
By the way: If you have other suggestions---please share!
Oh do I know how you feel, LOGAN was terriable he always got what he wanted it was just much easier to a stressed out mom!!!!!!!!!!!!! seriously and if allie said anything logan would do the mommy thing, partially I think he grew out of it and partially was following through with my discipline it was so hard if he was bad or mean to allie he never said sorry took a snack whenever he wanted ugg it was bad!!!!!!!!! I took him to his room and not let him out till he said sorry it has gotten better but sometimes we still have those days, I have been there were pat will say he's not that bad till pat spends a day with him and then is yelling so finally pat you know how I feel haha I hope something works for you sarah