Monday night I had Kayden's first preschool "conference". I met with his teacher and we chatted about his progress since September, and where he is at socially, and academically. The things she told me, were exactly what I expected. He is quiet at school, but listening. He knows his numbers, some letters, shapes, and is working hard at writing his name.
I think it's really funny how he is a completely different kid at school versus at home. At home he is always talking, and thinks he's in charge. At school, he just sits back and watches everything happen. I often have parents of my students tell me the same thing about their kids. My quietest kids in the classroom are the loudest kids at home.
We are still deciding what we'll do with Kayden next fall as far as preschool. Right now he is registered for an evening class (much like he did this year), as well as an afternoon class (two days a week). I would much rather have him go during the day for a number of reasons, but we aren't sure if that will work out since I don't know for sure where I'll be working in the fall. We'll have to just wait and see.
Up next for Kayden--swimming lessons!
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