The holidays are quickly approaching. Tomorrow is my birthday, Sunday is Halloween, then deer hunting, then Thanksgiving, and then it's Christmas. I've been starting to think about what I'll get the boys for Christmas. This is a struggle for me in many ways.
1. I like to shop. I tend to go a little overboard when it comes to my kids at Christmas time.
2. We don't have the funds to support my love of shopping.
3. The boys don't NEED much. Especially Tyler and Tyson( although I do want a Sophie the Giraffe for him). We have plenty of toys for kids their age. Remember, I have a shopping addiction, so I bought all of those things when Kayden was their age.
4. I want my kids to remember what this season is really about. Not that it is all about getting presents and eating. I haven't done a very good job of this in the past--although Kayden was a little young to understand. This year though, that is my goal.
There has been discussion with my family of my parents, rather than getting everyone lots of presents, that they would take us all to a waterpark type place for a weekend. I am loving this idea. I'm starting to realize that my kids need experiences more than they need things. Hopefully this will be the route we go this year.
Another thing I've been struggling with this year is our Christmas card. In the past, I've just sent out the typical photocard. This year, I'm considering a letter. Do I have enough to write about? Do people want to read about what has happened in the past year with our family? Maybe I should just send the regular photocard, and sign it with our blog address =)
The other thing that becomes a struggle almost every year is scheduling time to be with each of our families. Now that some of us are married, others have boyfriends/girlfriends,work schedules, etc. it often becomes difficult to find a time that we are able to get together. My dad had to work on Christmas day last year, and he does again this year. It'll be interesting. It always works out though....
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