Friday, October 1, 2010

A Good Day

I worked at the bowling alley last night so I only got home at about 11:00 and still had to shower and get things ready for today. I finally got to sleep a little before 12:00, and Tyson was up at 2:30. Before I knew it, my alarm was going off, and it was 5:50, time to get up and get ready for work. I forced myself to roll out of bed. Thank God today is our school marathon fundraiser (we take the students on a walk around Melrose), so it was a jeans and sweatshirt day. I finally got myself ready, and pulled the boys out of bed, one by one and strapped them into their assigned seats in the car. Grabbed myself a Dr. Pepper, and we were on the road. This is how most mornings go. Rushed. Thank God, I can take the boys to daycare in the pajamas, and she gets them dressed there. Most mornings, I literally pull Kayden out of bed and put him into his carseat. So, after all this rushing, we get to daycare, it takes two, sometimes three trips from the car to the house, and then a few quick hugs, a kiss or two and I'm out the door. There was one thing today that WAS a little different. As I walked out the door from daycare, I heard Kayden say, "Have a good day Mommy!".
Thanks, I think I will. =)

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