Monday, February 27, 2012

Where has my baby gone?

My biggest baby turned 5 today!  This is just craziness to me.  I honestly don't know where the past five years have gone.  In less than a month, we will go to Kindergarten Round Up.  This means it's real.  I really have to send him to Kindergarten.  I can't keep him little forever.  I hate that.  I want him to go to school, I know he'll love school and he'll do awesome, but I just don't want him to grow up.  
We had his birthday party yesterday afternoon at our house.  We went with a Lego theme since Legos are one of his newest loves.  He got lots of great presents and we were able to spend lots of quality time with lots of the people who love him.  
We spent the day today at Mall of America with just Kayden and Mike and I.  He loved it.  My mom had free passes for Sea Life Adventures.  He loved it!  He got a camera for his birthday and was snapping pictures like crazy!  We also hit up LegoLand (which, by the way is NOT what it used to be.  It's now just a Lego store.  Dumb.), we had lunch at Rainforest Cafe, shopped at the Disney Store where he spent some of his birthday money, and went on a bunch of rides.  He was beyond exhausted.  Our big boy needed to be carried by the time we were ready to head to the car :)  I really think he had a great time, and I'm so glad we took the time to spend the day with just him.  Even though, there were a few moments when he did say, "We should have brought Tyler here too".  I'm learning to cherish these days and these moments as I am now seeing just how fast time really does go. 

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