Sunday, June 12, 2011

'Tis the Season

We had our first real camping adventure of the summer this weekend.  We had our camper out one other time (Memorial Day weekend), but we just went to Mike's aunt and uncle's cabin, and basically just used our camper for "sleeping".  I put this in quotes because there really wasn't a whole lot of sleeping going on with Tyson and I that weekend. 
So, back to this weekend.  
We didn't go far.   Just to a little campground about 25 miles from our house. The weather was, eh, but not terrible. The boys enjoyed lots of outside time, and since they were the only kids there, they weren't lacking attention by any means.  
AND, Tyson slept all night on Friday night, and was up just once on Saturday night.  This is MAJOR progress for him in the camper.  I just hope this continues since we have quite a few weekends of camping planned for this summer, and I'm sure we'll be spending much of our fall in the camper at "The Pink House" (Eric's cabin) since Mike was drawn for a bear license this year.

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