My husband has an obsession with cleaning off our driveway. If it snows a lot, he will use the snowblower, then shovel the little bit that's left.
If it snows a little, he spends at least an hour shoveling. If I drive over the snow too many times before he gets to shovel it, it drives him nuts!
Soooooo....yesterday we got, like an inch of snow. I knew that he was planning to go outside and "shovel" after supper. :::::I say "shovel", because I don't actually think that he's shoveling the whole time, I think he's wasting time, but I won't necessarily go there::::::
Keep in mind, that most nights, while he's "shoveling", I am in the house with all three boys. I'm doing the dishes after supper (please feel sorry for me, because we don't have a dishwasher, thanks), giving the boys baths, and getting them in their pj's, cleaning up toys, repeating at least 50 times, "please be nice to him", or "please keep your hands to yourself!", or "those are NOT for throwing!", getting their clothes ready for the following day, doing laundry, making my lunch for the following day, getting the boys a snack....the list goes on.
By 8:15, I am yelling out the door for the hubby to come in, because the boys are now officially tired, and are ready for bed. This is when I need help. So, he finally rolls in, and then he IS helpful. On a good night, by 9:30, we have everyone in bed.
Okay, I went on a slight tangent there, so anywho, back to my point:
Last night, after supper and the dishes, I said, "Ok, I'm going out to shovel the driveway, and you can stay in with the boys." So, I bundled up, and headed out. I get it now. I understand why he spends so much time out there. It's quiet. I could get used to that job. Unless, of course, there's more than an inch of snow, then it might be too much work. I was out there for less than an hour, but I actually enjoyed it. By the time I got back in the house, they boys were just starting to clean up their toys, and then we got them ready for bed. So, I got the driveway shoveled, I enjoyed a little peace and quiet, and I got a workout---bonus!
I have to laugh when we get snow I swear my husband will spend hours cleaning our yard and I mean hours and maybe cause he only gets to do it on the weekends, but I think it is a lot of dinking around just to be alone! and he likes to drive the tractor bonus for him!