People ask me all the time, "How do you do it?", "How do you have time for everything?". So, I thought I'd just give a little snap-shot of what a normal weekday looks like in our family--
6:15--I get up and start getting ready. I shower at night for two reasons: 1. To save time in the morning and 2. so that I don't have to make lots of noise using the blow dryer, etc. This way the kids can sleep a little longer.
6:55--I wake up the boys. I usually just have to change Tyson's diaper. I take them all to daycare in their jammies. Kayden and Tyler always get juice or milk for the car ride, and by 7:05, I'm buckling kids in the car. Mike is home during this time most days. If the kids happen to wake up before I'm ready for them, he'll entertain them while I finish getting things ready to go.
7:10--We need to be leaving the driveway!
7:25ish--we arrive at daycare. I get the boys out of the car one-at-a-time. Kayden is first. Then Tyler and then Tyson. I usually don't put shoes on them in the morning, so I have to carry them in when we get there.
7:30/7:35--I'm on the road, headed to work.
7:50--I arrive at school.
around 4:00--I leave school to head to daycare. I usually pick the boys up between 4:30 and 5:00.
5:15--We get home. I get Kayden and Tyler a little snack and send them to play while I make supper. Tyson often falls asleep on the way home, so he naps in his carseat while I get supper ready.
6:00ish--We eat supper.
*Mike usually gets home anywhere from 4:00 to 9:00. It changes every day.
6:30/6:45--Supper is finished, but Tyson needs his cereal/babyfood. Once this is done, I start the dishes. If it's bath night, and Mike is home, he puts them in the tub while I do the dishes. After baths, it's jammies and then they usually play for a while.
By 8:00 we are picking up toys and then reading books. After a few stories, Mike usually rocks Tyler, Kayden lays on his pillow on the floor or the couch, and I get things ready for the next day. (Since I take them to daycare in their pajamas, I need to pack their clothes, etc).
8:30/8:45--One of us gives Tyson his bedtime bottle, and if all goes well, by 9:00 all three are in bed (this is rare).
9:00--I shower, and if Tyson is still up, when I'm done, I work on getting him to sleep while Mike showers, etc. On a good night, I'm in bed by 10:00.
The end? Oh no. Tyson usually wakes up sometime around 2:00, and then often before 5:00. We are working on this =)
There are certain nights and times of the year that are crazier than others. Mondays I play volleyball and Kayden has preschool, so things tend to look a little different. Every-other Thursday night, I bar-tend, so Mike is on his own on those nights. Weekends are crazy. Basketball season gets a little hairy, since we like to go watch Auntie Mazih play, but she plays varsity basketball, so the games don't even start until 7:00 or 7:30, which makes for LATE bedtimes!
Needless to say, life is crazy. This is why I really try to take advantage of my days off, and weekends without plans. I also REALLY appreciate being able to work part-time in the summer(one of the perks of being a teacher).
I've said a hundred times, I just don't know how working moms do it. I stopped teaching when Drew was born 5 and a half years ago and if I hadn't my days would look just like yours. You're a rockstar, don't ever doubt it.
ReplyDeleteBelieve me, I have thought (a lot) about staying home with my kids, but I do it just part-time in the summer, and I know how hard it is, I haven't taken the plunge yet!