Thursday, September 23, 2010


I'm kind of a "list-writer".  To-do lists, shopping lists, packing lists, goal lists....
This weekend we are heading to "The Pink House", AKA, Eric's cabin.  Packing for a weekend away with all three kids is always a challenge.  Although, it's become second nature for me, since we are ALWAYS going somewhere.  Weekends at home are rare.  In the summer/fall it's much easier than the winter.  This is because in the summer and fall we are usually camping on weekends.  Now that we have our own camper (which I am SO happy we do), I can leave many things in the camper, and just pack clothes and food.  
Last night, Amy and I headed to Target, Wal-mart and Sam's Club.  Our goal was to get the groceries we'd need for the weekend.  We didn't have a list.  We must have said at least 5 times, "We should have made a list!".  I'm not sure why I didn't.  Oh yes, I have NO time these days!  So, we wandered aimlessly around Wal-mart, and Sam's Club, grabbing the things we thought we'd need, and making decisions as we went.  We, obviously ended up with lots of things that wouldn't have been on our list, had we made one.  =)
So....when we got home from our shopping trip, I made a list.  A list of things for Mike to get at the grocery store today.  Today (when I should be grading papers and workbooks) I am making a list.  I will be packing everything for the weekend tonight.  I have listed the food I'll need to pack, the food I need to prepare tonight, the clothes each of the kids will need, the extra "stuff" the kids will need.....
Now, as long as I don't forget to put anything on my list, I should have it all packed and ready to go before I go to bed tonight.  We'll see.  

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