Thursday, September 30, 2010
A few is better than none, right?
I added a few pictures to my post about Kayden (you'll have to back to "older posts") . I'll work on adding more this weekend ;)
Monday, September 27, 2010
I can't find my mommy!
We spent the weekend at the "Pink House". All in all, it was a good weekend, although the time went VERY fast! We had an interesting incident Sunday morning:
Tyler and Tyson were awake by 6:30. Since we were in the camper, and Kayden wasn't awake yet, I decided that the two little boys and I would head to my parent's camper so that Kayden could sleep until he was ready to get up. (Mike was gone hunting). So, at about 7:30, we headed to my parent's camper which was about 15 feet away from ours. I took the monitor with me, so that I could hear Kayden when he woke up. He always yells for me when he wakes up because he is on the top bunk and needs help getting down.
So, we were in my mom's camper for about half an hour when someone knocked on the door. It was Amy and she was carrying Kayden! She found him in the cabin, crying because he couldn't find me. I had the monitor on, but apparently it wasn't working. He said he yelled for me, but I didn't come. So, he climbed down from the top bunk (he will demonstrate this for you if you ask him), got his "hunting boots", put one on, but couldn't get the other on. Opened the camper door. Closed the camper door. Walked to the cabin (one boot on, the other in his hand) wearing his pajamas, opened two doors to get into the cabin and walked around until Amy came out of the bedroom and found him walking around crying. She asked him what was wrong and he said, "I can't find my mommy!". I'm pretty sure it took Amy a few minutes to wake herself up enough to figure out what was going on. She carried him back outside, to Grammy's camper and found me there. I'm still in shock as to how he climbed down, got his boot on, opened all those doors and found Amy.
I'll be buying a new monitor.
Tyler and Tyson were awake by 6:30. Since we were in the camper, and Kayden wasn't awake yet, I decided that the two little boys and I would head to my parent's camper so that Kayden could sleep until he was ready to get up. (Mike was gone hunting). So, at about 7:30, we headed to my parent's camper which was about 15 feet away from ours. I took the monitor with me, so that I could hear Kayden when he woke up. He always yells for me when he wakes up because he is on the top bunk and needs help getting down.
So, we were in my mom's camper for about half an hour when someone knocked on the door. It was Amy and she was carrying Kayden! She found him in the cabin, crying because he couldn't find me. I had the monitor on, but apparently it wasn't working. He said he yelled for me, but I didn't come. So, he climbed down from the top bunk (he will demonstrate this for you if you ask him), got his "hunting boots", put one on, but couldn't get the other on. Opened the camper door. Closed the camper door. Walked to the cabin (one boot on, the other in his hand) wearing his pajamas, opened two doors to get into the cabin and walked around until Amy came out of the bedroom and found him walking around crying. She asked him what was wrong and he said, "I can't find my mommy!". I'm pretty sure it took Amy a few minutes to wake herself up enough to figure out what was going on. She carried him back outside, to Grammy's camper and found me there. I'm still in shock as to how he climbed down, got his boot on, opened all those doors and found Amy.
I'll be buying a new monitor.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
What? No coupons????
It seems like I never shop without coupons or gift cards these days. I look forward to getting the Sunday paper so that I can check out what's on sale in the coming week. Yes, I've become "that mom". Side note---Don't worry mom, I haven't gotten as extreme as your good friend E.G. yet ;) Last night I went to Target, knowing that diapers were on sale, and I'd get a free $5 gift card if I bought two boxes (my favorite kind of sale) and formula was also on sale. Before I left the house, I failed to check my diaper supply to see what sizes I should get. I have a stash of diapers in my basement in various sizes. Some that Tyler and Tyson wear now, others that they'll grow into. So, I decided to get a box of the next size up for Tyson and a size that Tyler is wearing now, because I figured, if I have too many of that size, I can just save them for Tyson. So, I came home with two boxes of diapers, three extra large containers of formula, a Halloween bucket for Tyler's treats (since we only have one, and this year Tyler will need one), and a $5 Target gift card. You would not believe how hard it was for me to go through the checkout and use no coupons. Although, I did have a $5 gift card that I had gotten the last time I bought diapers ;)
I'm kind of a "list-writer". To-do lists, shopping lists, packing lists, goal lists....
This weekend we are heading to "The Pink House", AKA, Eric's cabin. Packing for a weekend away with all three kids is always a challenge. Although, it's become second nature for me, since we are ALWAYS going somewhere. Weekends at home are rare. In the summer/fall it's much easier than the winter. This is because in the summer and fall we are usually camping on weekends. Now that we have our own camper (which I am SO happy we do), I can leave many things in the camper, and just pack clothes and food.
Last night, Amy and I headed to Target, Wal-mart and Sam's Club. Our goal was to get the groceries we'd need for the weekend. We didn't have a list. We must have said at least 5 times, "We should have made a list!". I'm not sure why I didn't. Oh yes, I have NO time these days! So, we wandered aimlessly around Wal-mart, and Sam's Club, grabbing the things we thought we'd need, and making decisions as we went. We, obviously ended up with lots of things that wouldn't have been on our list, had we made one. =)
So....when we got home from our shopping trip, I made a list. A list of things for Mike to get at the grocery store today. Today (when I should be grading papers and workbooks) I am making a list. I will be packing everything for the weekend tonight. I have listed the food I'll need to pack, the food I need to prepare tonight, the clothes each of the kids will need, the extra "stuff" the kids will need.....
Now, as long as I don't forget to put anything on my list, I should have it all packed and ready to go before I go to bed tonight. We'll see.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
"Garbage Sale"
With Pioneer Days happening in Albany, there are LOTS of garage sales, and lots of garage salers. So, Amy and I decided to try our luck at having a sale of our own. First, we had to talk Eric into letting us use his precious garage.
We didn't expect to make millions. We agreed that we wouldn't take any time off work for it, we'd just be open when we could be there. We set things up Tuesday and Wednesday night, and opened the doors Thursday afternoon.
Also, I forgot to mention that my Grandpa (a professional garage saler) brought a bunch of man junk and set up on one table, and the lawn. He made more money on the first day, than the rest of us made the entire weekend.
So, our significant others complained, about how much work a garage sale is, and how it's not worth it.
They quit complaining when they saw how much we/they made. Some of us made more than others. Some of us spent more than others. They told us to take whatever we had left on Sunday and head straight to Good Will. We put everything in boxes, and we'll try again in May at my house ;)
We tried to explain to them, that we have fun doing garage sales. We get to hang out together for a couple days. We get to laugh, read magazines, and watch our junk disappear, and make a few bucks. They don't understand. They never will.
Sleep Deprived
Why doesn't Tyson sleep at night? Why did God spoil me with Kayden? Kayden slept through the night at 4 weeks old! Tyler and Tyson---not so much! At about 11 weeks old, Tyson was sleeping well. 9:00 until 6 or even 6:30. Now, he's up between 12 and 1, then again at 3, and 6.....ugh! I will take any help I can get. Advice? Encouragement? Drugs?????
P.S.---yes, I get up with him every night. Me. Not his Dad. Don't even ask....
Monday, September 20, 2010
A whole lot of nothing
Last week seemed really busy. Monday evening we packed the truck with all of my garage sale stuff. Amy (Eric's girlfriend) and I had a garage sale at Eric's house over the weekend. Tuesday after work, we set up for the garage sale, Wednesday we finished getting ready for the garage sale, and packed for the weekend.
Thursday night was my first night back at the Bowling Alley. I worked Thursday nights there for about 5 years, and then, when I was pregnant with Tyler I decided to just go on the "sub list" and work when they needed someone. This year, I had the opportunity to work every other Thursday and I decided I'd try it. It's not a bad job (sometimes kind of fun), I get out of the house, and the extra cash each month will be nice. The only downfall is that I have to stay up kinda late (11:00ish). This isn't all that late in most people's worlds, but most nights Tyson is up between 12 and 1, and then again between 3 and 6. Ugh!
Friday after school I headed to the garage sale. We also had kickball, so we left Tyler and Tyson at Grammy's house, and let Kayden come with us. We played at 8:00 and 8:45. It was cold out, but Kayden insisted that he wasn't cold, and he just sat and watched. Finally at about 9:45, I convinced him that he should go back to Grammy's house. (he was falling asleep sitting up at this point). So, Mike brought him back to my parent's house. We decided to head down to Pioneer Days. Nothing much happening there. Except, we were introduced to "The Rat a Son". Creepy.
Friday after school I headed to the garage sale. We also had kickball, so we left Tyler and Tyson at Grammy's house, and let Kayden come with us. We played at 8:00 and 8:45. It was cold out, but Kayden insisted that he wasn't cold, and he just sat and watched. Finally at about 9:45, I convinced him that he should go back to Grammy's house. (he was falling asleep sitting up at this point). So, Mike brought him back to my parent's house. We decided to head down to Pioneer Days. Nothing much happening there. Except, we were introduced to "The Rat a Son". Creepy.
Saturday I headed to the garage sale early in the morning, and hung out there most of the day. Saturday night we had a family function to attend, and Sunday we took the kiddos to Pioneer Days.
As busy as the week was, there wasn't a whole lot of excitement.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Pictures to come
For those of you who are thinking, "thanks for the update, but where the h-e-double hockey sticks are some new pictures????" They're coming. Be patient. =)
Thursday, September 16, 2010
"Mr. T"
Now, for updates on the baby, Tyson, AKA, "Mr. T". Tyson had been sleeping through the night at about 11 weeks old. That lasted a week or two, and he was back to waking up once or twice each night. Hopefully we can get him sleeping through the night again soon! We started him on cereal about two weeks ago. He loved it from the first spoonful! I was hoping it would fill him up, so he wouldn't wake up during the night to eat---so far, no such luck =(
He has been rolling lots more lately. We can lay him on the living room floor, and return 5 minutes later to find him 5 feet from the place we laid him. It's scary to think he's mobile already! He has also discovered that he can hold toys and put them in his mouth. This helps keep him occupied. Tyson doesn't really use his pacifier anymore (which makes me a little sad, because I was hoping he'd really take to it, and use it to soothe himself to sleep at night). He has, on the other hand, really been gnawing/sucking on his fingers. (we'll see if he becomes a thumb sucker).
He loves to watch Kayden and Tyler play. Tyler has finally realized that he needs to be gentle with Tyson, so I can leave Tyson within Tyler's reach and not fear for his life =) His big brothers can really get him laughing, it's so fun to watch.
Tyson is still sleeping in his pack n play in the toyroom. This is for a couple reasons. #1: there is no room in Kayden and Tyler's room for another crib and #2: I don't want him to wake up his brothers when he wakes up during the night. Once he starts sleeping a little better at night, we'll have to move him into Kayden and Tyler's room. It will be tight, but we're working figuring out a creative way to make them all fit. My plan is to have Mike build a loft for Kayden (with rails of course) and put one crib under it, to later be replaced by a toddler bed when Tyler is old enough for that. I am just not ready to move Tyler out of his crib! We only own one crib, but my friend Gail is going to let us use hers for Tyson.
With the start of the new school year, Tyson also started daycare. During the summer months when I worked at Kids Company he stayed with Auntie Mazih. He has been doing really well. Sharon says he is always really happy!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Our "Busy" Boy
Of all three boys, Tyler is the one that keeps us on our toes the most. He is at such a fun, yet, challenging age =) He is talking up a storm. Some of his latest/favorites are :
"Daddy", "Mommy", "Ball", "Book", animal sounds, "See Ya", "Maya" (our dog) and "Nigh, Night". It's so fun to see him learning so much every day. He loves to follow Kayden around and do whatever he is doing (whether Kayden likes it or not).
Tyler is also, definitely a "daddy's boy". If he knows Mike is outside, he will stand by the window or door and yell for him. As soon as he hears the door open, he's yelling, "Daddy", and running to the kitchen to greet him. There is not a day that goes by when Tyler doesn't make us laugh. He loves attention and knows how to get it!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
3 1/2 going on 12
A yucky snake skin---perfect for scaring Mazih!
Kayden is now 3 1/2 years old. I can't believe he's going to be 4! I am already dreading the day he gets on the bus to go to kindergarten--I just wish he could stay little forever!!!!! He is becoming a little man. He talks and talks and talks. We decided about a month ago to try skipping his naps during the day to see if we'd be able to get him to bed earlier at night. There were many nights that Mike and I had to argue over who was going to stay up with Kayden until he fell asleep. He'd be up until 10:00 or even 10:30! So, skipping naps has really seemed to help. He has been in bed by 9:00 or earlier most nights. It's awesome! I never liked the idea of putting my kids to bed too early because I just don't have much time with them in the evenings, but it has been really nice having all three of them in bed by 9:00.
Kayden is getting ready for hunting season too. He has his own bow (a birthday present from uncle Eric and Amy). He's been practicing, and plans to bring it to "the pink house" (Eric's cabin) when we head up there in about 2 weeks. Before we know it, we'll be buying him the real thing. Although, I'm not sure he could ever be quiet enough to sit in a deer stand.....
Oh yes, and he'll start ECFE (preschool) in October. He is registered for a class one night a week for about 20 weeks. I think he'll love it!
Kayden is getting ready for hunting season too. He has his own bow (a birthday present from uncle Eric and Amy). He's been practicing, and plans to bring it to "the pink house" (Eric's cabin) when we head up there in about 2 weeks. Before we know it, we'll be buying him the real thing. Although, I'm not sure he could ever be quiet enough to sit in a deer stand.....
Oh yes, and he'll start ECFE (preschool) in October. He is registered for a class one night a week for about 20 weeks. I think he'll love it!
Whether you're having fun or not---time flies!
So, my lack of blogging is not due to a lack of happenings in our lives. More so, an over-abundance of happenings. I've decided I'm going to quickly update on what has been happening in the past few weeks, and then try my best to do a better job of keeping up.
We've had a lot of things going on. My mom lost her sister (my god-mother) to a LONG battle with cancer. She lived in Indiana, so I had to make an unexpected 1600 mile round trip to Indiana. Because plane tickets were outrageously high, my brother Matt and I drove down. We left on Friday morning, and were back Sunday evening. While I was gone Mike took the boys camping with his parents. They tell me all went well....=)
School has officially started, which means that Tyson has started daycare and the boys have had to re-adjust to being at daycare 5 days a week. (I am still trying to get used to the cost!) Tomorrow starts the second full week of school. We are trying hard to get used to the busy lifestyle that we lead from September to May. Between school, work, volleyball, preschool for Kayden, trying to make it to some of Amazih's sports, hunting, etc. we are one busy family!
This weekend we had lots of family and friends around as we decided to re-shingle our house. We'd had some hail damage, and the shingles--although not very old--were in really bad shape. So, my parents and Mike's parents parked their campers in our yard, and we did our best to make a weekend of work, a weekend of fun.
I know I'm forgetting things, but this is where I'm going to end for now. I hope to update soon with some info on my boys (milestones, etc). They're growing fast, and changing every day!
We've had a lot of things going on. My mom lost her sister (my god-mother) to a LONG battle with cancer. She lived in Indiana, so I had to make an unexpected 1600 mile round trip to Indiana. Because plane tickets were outrageously high, my brother Matt and I drove down. We left on Friday morning, and were back Sunday evening. While I was gone Mike took the boys camping with his parents. They tell me all went well....=)
School has officially started, which means that Tyson has started daycare and the boys have had to re-adjust to being at daycare 5 days a week. (I am still trying to get used to the cost!) Tomorrow starts the second full week of school. We are trying hard to get used to the busy lifestyle that we lead from September to May. Between school, work, volleyball, preschool for Kayden, trying to make it to some of Amazih's sports, hunting, etc. we are one busy family!
This weekend we had lots of family and friends around as we decided to re-shingle our house. We'd had some hail damage, and the shingles--although not very old--were in really bad shape. So, my parents and Mike's parents parked their campers in our yard, and we did our best to make a weekend of work, a weekend of fun.
I know I'm forgetting things, but this is where I'm going to end for now. I hope to update soon with some info on my boys (milestones, etc). They're growing fast, and changing every day!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
5 Year Anniversary!
On August 20th, Mike and I celebrated our 5th anniversary! Mike's mom came to our house to watch the boys while we headed to our 2nd Twins game at Target Field, and spent the night at a hotel in Maple Grove. It was really nice to get away together (without kids). We hardly ever spend any time with just the two of us. Although, I have made it a goal, that we will start going on a "date" once a month. We'll see if that happens ;)
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