Ya, ya. I don't know where I've been really. No excuses, as usual. I guess my only semi-excuse is that I've been working and relaxing. Spending time with my boys and enjoying a wonderful Minnesota summer. Here are a few things that have been going on around here:
1. I potty trained #2. Ok, that's a bit of a lie. He actually potty trained himself. It was like one day, he decided he was done wearing diapers, and that was it. Craziness.
2. We went to the zoo. We took our annual Little Falls Zoo trip with Leah and the girls and Susan and her boys. Pretty sure we picked the hottest day of the year, but we had fun. Seven kids five and under with their three mama's sweating their butts off. It was glorious.
3. We have been camping pretty much every weekend. The boys are loving it!
4. We have been showing our house about once a month. Still nothing. Frustrating!
5. We have had a few too many friends and family members diagnosed with that crap called cancer. It's getting really old!
6. My big kid is getting ready for kindergarten. The freakin' school supplies were out at Target before the Fourth of July! Sickening I tell ya! As much as I know he'll love going to school, I am dreading it! I just hate that my kids have to grow up! This is one of the main reasons we are enjoying every last minute of this summer.
7. We bought a membership to a local private beach and we're loving it! It's nice and close to our house, not a ton of people, has a playground, we just love it!