Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Not nerdy enough

Did you see the huge poster sized photo of my boys rear ends at the top of my blog?  Yup.  Don't know how to fix that.  It's either too big, or too small.  No happy medium.  I know there is a way to fix it, I'm just not smart nerdy enough to figure it out.  If you now how to fix it, lemme know please!!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A new chapter

I had my first "real" day at my new job today.  I'm working at Little Saints Academy.  For now, I'm just learning how things work, and getting used to things, spending most of my time in the infant room.  From the sounds of things, I will eventually take over the toddler room or the preschool room.  It's kind of being left up to me to decide which I'd prefer. I'm torn.  I really feel like I'd like to spend some time in the toddler room.  Change things up a little.  BUT, I think that, professionally, it would be more beneficial for me to teach preschool.  It would probably look better on my resume if I ever want to get back into classroom teaching.  While on the other hand, my own preschooler has been challenging me, and I really don't want to get burnt out at work, and then come home to him.  It's not fair to him.  I'm not real sure what I'll do.  Time will tell.  For now, I'm going to enjoy this new adventure in life, and take things one day at a time. 

Monday, August 22, 2011

Add one to my list

Go ahead and add another addiction to my list.  Right behind facebook, comes my newest thing:  Pinterest.  Have you checked this out?  OMG--ADDICTING!  It's kind of hard to explain, but you sign up, and then you just search, based on things you like, or people you know (or don't know) who you "follow".  You can even "pin" things that aren't already on the site, but I'm not quite there yet.  I've been pinning things from ideas for crafts for the boys, to things for our new house, to ideas for my new job, to Christmas card ideas, to food, it's awesome!
I'm in love!  Sign up.  Follow me.  I'd love to follow you!!!!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Funny Friday

I have funny kids.  Well, most kids are funny, but I like to think mine are exceptionally funny.  
Last weekend, Kayden and I were driving through Albany.  He spotted a construction-type enclosed trailer in someones yard, and said, in a straight-faced, very serious tone, "Huh, that's funny.  A fish house with ladders on it."  
He IS his father's son.  And his uncles' nephew.  And his grandpa's grandson.  Who thinks of ice fishing in August?  These guys do!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Como Zoo

Last Friday, Mike and I both had the day off, so we decided to take the boys to the zoo.  I had been wanting to get Kayden there this summer, because he LOVES animals and is at the perfect age to enjoy these kinds of things. 
So, we got the boys ready and were out of the house by 9:00 am, and got to the zoo just as it was opening at 10:00.  This was perfect!  We had no trouble finding parking, and headed right in.  The weather was awesome!  We took the double stroller for the two little boys, and Kayden walked.  Let me tell you, he was in HEAVEN!  He could have stood and looked through those glass windows at the gorillas, and bears ALL DAY LONG! 
We saw all of the animals up close, took in a Sparky the Sea Lion show, had lunch, and were back in the truck to head home by about 1:00.  There was enough to do, that we could have spent a lot more time there, but Mike needed to get home to meet my brothers to head to the cabin, and the timing was actually perfect since the boys were getting tired and a little cranky by that time anyway. 
Looking at the fish

Probably telling Tyler some random fact about the fish

Sitting on the big turtle.  This is probably one of the best pictures I have of all three of them together!

The giraffe!  Tyler's favorite!!!!

Kayden said he expected the giraffes to be much taller than the actually are

Good ole' Sparky!

The scene in our back seat approximately 5 minutes after leaving the zoo parking lot :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Brush Brush Brush!

I realized this morning that I never blogged about Kayden's latest trip to the dentist.  
At his regular check up in July, they found that a "spot" they had been watching on one of his back teeth had turned into a small cavity.  We decided to just fill it before it got any bigger or caused any other problems.  
He did amazing!  They suggested that he go back alone, and if they needed me, they'd come get me.  He headed back without any hesitation, and was back with me within about 20 minutes.  Before he came out, the dentist, Dr. Erin (who I just found out today is Kris Humphries' cousin and gets to go to Kris and Kim's wedding!) came out and said he did awesome!  She said, "if all four year olds did as well as he did, my job would be a piece of cake!".  I was so proud of him!  He was a little annoyed with the fact that his mouth was numb, but otherwise had a great rest of the day!  
Now, to make that his LAST cavity!!!!

Monday, August 8, 2011


I am not an organized person.  Or, at least I wasn't an organized person.  My level of organizational-ness has risen drastically since Kayden was born.  
When we had Kayden I started to become a little anal about certain things.  Not so much in my house, but more, when we leave the house.  I have a strange fear of being away from home with a baby/toddler/preschooler, and needing something that I don't have.  So, my diaper bag is always over-packed.  We never leave home without sippy cups and diapers and some sort of snack.  I need to pack the diaper bag myself.  I don't trust anyone else (usually, not even my hubby)to get everything I might need. 
Another strange quirk I have is when it comes to my stroller.  I HATE it when I go somewhere with a stroller, and everyone thinks, "oh, perfect, you have stroller, so now I no longer have to carry any of my crap, I can just shove it all in your stroller!"  I don't know why, but this just drives me nuts!  
I'm sure I have lots of other weird "quirks", or things that bother me, but wouldn't bother most other people, but those are the two I'm sharing for today.   So, make note people.  Don't put your crap in my stroller ;)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Rite of Passage

If a trip to the ER is a rite of passage for all little boys, then Tyson can check that off his list.  
We came home from a weekend at "The Pink House", and were relaxing in the living room. I was googling, "Why are my baby's fingers peeling?" when I heard the modem for my computer come crashing down off the top shelf.  Tyson had pulled on the cord, and it landed right on his head.  Immediately, his forehead started bleeding with a pretty large cut in it.  We used a rag to get the bleeding to stop.  When we could finally get a good look at it, we couldn't decide if it was a cut, or if it was more of a gouge.  I called Mike's sister Rhonda to ask her for a little advice.  She agreed with Mike saying that if it was a gouge, they wouldn't be able to do anything for it. So, we stuck a Buzz Lightyear bandaid on it, and ate supper.  After supper, I took another look at it, and decided it looked like it was split open or cut.  So, we decided that I'd give him a quick bath and then Tyson and I would head to the ER to have it checked out.  
The wait at the hospital wasn't long, we were checked in, and headed to an exam room.  We waited, saw a nurse or two, entertained the other patients in the neighboring rooms, ate some raisins, read some books, and eventually saw a Physician's Assistant.  They numbed the area, and the PA decided he would be able to glue the cut rather than stitch it.  So, while the nurse and I held him down, the doc did his thing, and we were on our way. 
Tyson was in good spirits the entire time.  He fell asleep on the way home, and slept like a baby ;)